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Ramadan:  The Ummah Reflects

Ramadan:  The Ummah Reflects started on March 11.  This Podcast can be found everywhere you can listen to podcasts such as Apple, Spotify, and more.  New episodes will drop each morning of Ramadan at 6:00 am EST.  Listen live each morning by downloading  Podbean on your smartphone.  Launch the app, press “skip” at the bottom of the screen, search “Ramadan: The Ummah Reflects," click on the green icon, select the “live” cast, and listen.  Not familiar with podcasts, too much tech for you?  You can also listen on the Podbean Website for Ramadan, the Ummah Reflects.  Or return here each day for the replay.  Listen to last year's speakers.  

This year for Ramadan Relief, we are partnering with Islamic Relief  help people in Palestine.  Please use this link to give.



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Ramadan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur'an, as a guide to mankind, also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (Between right and wrong). 2:185

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